Buchanan Record from Buchanan, Michigan (2024)

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SCHOOL DEPflRTiMT The Buchanan Re jv! DUblldudll iiob BO'rHljpNE YEAR OR $10b SEND ALL ORDERS TO THE RECORD TU 11 13 TnlRIHir SI MANIC National Book of reference for Governmcn I li Niliilo I niDUIR HLIlIRlUL and political information Contains the Constitution 4 fhe United Statee the Constitution nfthn Ktnio vrv rJ Do pu Want Satisfaction? DETROIT JOURNA1 8 SEMI WEEKLY SCHOOL NOTES a 6 nionths 1 4r i 3 ie Ddtroit Journal Semi Weekly mone IE NOT A READER SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE 4 i I 1 1 nm 4 1 nnr1 ntdrzicc trt OU Tailor Made Costumes Mlii' the: Weekly Inter Ocean It Is Morally Clean and as a amily Paper Is Without a Peer i 1 I in a are yval VU iiiv'ivaWf MUt NewJorL ifil 1 1 ENTS if HE TRIBUNE been who this 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ft To stick things use MAJOR'S Be Take no snbetitnte lyl The Literature of its columns is' equal to that of the best maga zines Itis interesting to the chil dren as well as the parents cr tr i THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL NEWS AND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE name and address on a postal card address to curnal reini ceKiy tor tree sample cypy pager oitburnal WEEKLY sj aAd rida) A amous Old Lady Id a beautiful house in Brussels there lives auold lady Mme Henrietta Eon ner whose work has wou her fame and money Like Rosa Boaheur she is an animal painter bnt instead of horses and cows her specialty is cats In the early part of the century her father Joseph Augustus Knip was well known in Amsterdam as a flower and landscape painter and educated his daughter in art Even when his eyesight failed in 1833 he continued to give her instruc tion by listening to her descriptions of her work Her destiny was to be that of a portrait painter but she never liked it and determined to study ani mals At the age of 16 she exhibited at Dusseldorf the picture of A Cat in the Window which attracted much atten tion but the picture which made her reputation was riend of a canvas 6 feet by 8 representing an old man weeping over the death of one of his dogs which had been used for drawing a cart The technical skill and the wealth of emotion put into this work were highly praised: Very soon afterward she turned her attention tocats and she has painted every form and attitude and character and kind of cat and kitten The usual way that she works is by placing a cat in a glass case made for the purpose with cush ions which invite the animal to a nat ural position When puss changes her pose Mme Ronner puts aside that work and begins another study Although 75 years of age Mme Ronner looks 20 years younger save for her snowy white hair She is upright rud her complex ion is remarkably fresh What is most strange is the fact that oue never sees a cat at Mme Whenever she wants td paint oue she has a model brought to her Chicago Record NINTH GRADE ENGLISH Zella Alliger 53' Lillian Baker 45 Clara Burrus 65' Ross Burrus 60 Gertrude BateS 0 Thursa Barmore 35 'Olive iCurran 70? Mabel Colvin 75 Clare Coveney 30 Mary Conrad 70 lora Currier 78 Myrtle Clev enger 75 Glen Drew 57 Herman Hatten back 15 George Joslin 65 Lillie Jephson 65 Myrtle Kelsey 50 Roy Mead 82 Etta Montague 50 Mary Miller90 Gertie Norris 70 Ruby Phelps 90 Callie Richardson 75 Dot Redden 50 Daisy Redden 70 Norman Schermerhorn 70 Maude Smith: 85 rank Swink 80 Vernon Tourje 50 Carrie Voor hees 75 annie Williams 55 Blennie Waterman 80 Cresse Weldon TO Clyde uller 50 A Remarkable Athlete A California girl Miss Rowena Reeir has a remarkable record as an athlete She is 19 years old weighs 160 pounds and is 5 feet 8J inches tall She rides swims fences rows wheels runs and jumps She can han'dle the Indian clubs and dumbbells play football and bas ket ball like a veteran and is an expert on the trapeze In the games at Vassar she broke the record for the running broad jump clearing 13 feet 3 inches won the 120 yard hurdle race and won the running high jump clearing 3 feet 8 inches She has just completed her sophom*ore year at Vassar our Tilings that Are Triie If you are bilious' Carter's Cascara Liver Pil a will cure ycu If you have Dyspepsia Indigestion or are troubled wiih chronic constipation Cas cara Cordial will restore you to health If you have a cough or are suffering from La Grippe asthma Or bronchitis or your child has croup of whooping cough you should use Cure It jou have eczema salt rheum or piles cuts bruis burns i or any inflamatlon in vonr body Ointment relieves and cures Brodrick Drugsist eb 'Ml TS WnrctifHAZEL $100 REWARD $100 The readers of the Buchanan Rec ord will be pleased to learn there is at least one dreaded disease that sci ence has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional treat ment Catarrh Ciire is taken internally acting" directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying the found ation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for list of Testimonials Ad dress Htfc CHENEY COi) Toledo ESold by Druggist 75c i amily Pills are the best A Brave Pioneer Three ushers the manager of the the ater and a policeman tried to ihduce an Atlanta woman to remove a particular ly objectionable from her head while Governor Bob Taylor of Tennessee was delivering his lecture wivh fiddle accompaniment The lady claimed that her hat was no more of an annoyance to men than was their habit of brushing by her or compelling her to rise when they wanted to leave the the ater to get a drink She said further that when that peculiar nuisance to which all women are continually sub jected in theaters everywhere was abol ished she would consent to remove her hat 'but not until then 'She was a brave pioneer for a reform that should be in stituted' in the management of nearly every theater Exchange ich Office 62t St Washington Of i Sashes Are In Vogue Sashes are in vogue and are to be worn of widthsand' textures knotted looped or left plain and falling to tiie hem of the skirt A pretty model is of rich heavy black moire edged across the ends with a full quilled ruffling of black lace About a foot from the bottom is a bor der of cream colored applique lace put on bias Another sash is also of moire edged all around with a scant ruching of black chiffon Both of these are 18 inches wide and have only a bunch of loops where the plaited belt fastens at the waist A handsome sash for evening wear is of Roman striped silk bordered and edge with plaitings of black brussels net 7 Another of heliotrope satin and black thread lace is knotted and looped at intervals of a foot as it on the skirt the wide soft folds of the satin giving lan artistic effect The blouse bodice in varying forms has given rise to these sashes and they threaten to supersede belts even for everyday house or street wear The waist line is very much in evidence this season and modistes predict that it will not be long before the old time fashion of skirts sewed visibly to the corsage will come in style again Already the new tea gowns and house gowns are made in this manner although the line of joining is concealed and it is just a step between that and the honest'old fashioned with the skirt gath ered simply on to it and strengthened with a cord that our grandmothers worn PRESIDENT ill KINLEVS SPEECH Confirmed Jrom first page) This duty requires that our govern ment shall regulate the value of its money by the highest standards of commercial honsty and national honor Tlie money of the United States is and must forever be unquestioned and unassailable If doubts remain they must be removed If weak places are discovered they must be strengthen en Nothing should ever tempt us nothing will ever tmpt us to scale down the sacred debt of thei nation through a legal technicality What ever may be the language of the con tract the United States will discharge all of its obligations in the currency recogizcd as the best throughout the civilized world at the times of pay ment Nor will we ever consent that the wages of labor or its frugal sav ings shall be scaled down by permit ing payment in dollars less value than the dollars accepted as the best in every enlightened nation of the earth existing conditions our citi zens cannot be excused if they do notredouble their efforts to secure such financial legislation as will place their honorable intentions beyond dispute All those who represent as you do the great conservative but progressive business interests of the country owe it not only to themselves but to the people to insist upon the settlement of this great question now or else to face the alternative that it' must bo again submitted for arbitration at the polls! This is our plain duty to more than 7000000 voters who 15? months ago won a great political battle on the issue among others ihat the United' States' government 4 ARMS 4 OR SALE CHEAP ON EASY TERMS One arm of 140 acres of which 20 acres is Timber Good House Bam and windmill One arm of 134 acres of which 10 acres is Timber House 2 Barns and windmill One arm of 80 acres of which 40 acres is Timber One ann of 94 acres 13 room house good bam and windmill 1' All located within IX miles of railroad or particulars inquire of KINGERY Buchanan Mich ircee cclc'r pen 1 at the left of the front holds ail npt jghtaigret bunch of curled ends' ofjtheglass a' twist from this rosette running to a rosetie at the left side of thq back and rosette posed atthe rightside Millinery Trade Re 5 View Betted Late Thai Never May be true but Ie not a safe rule to follow Bet ter get a bottle of Cascara Cordial and cure your Indigestion and dyspepsia now Price 25 and 50 cents Brodrick Druggist eb A Candidate or President A candidate for the presidency in 1900 will be Mrs Josephine Henry who wishes to be nominated on the prohibition and agnostic tickets With her electron there would be no further opposition to extending the franchise to women? the Diugley tariff law would be repealed the government would be come the owner of coal miues railways telegraph and telephone lines social functions would be abolished or simpli fied and Sabbath observance would be discouraged Mrs Henry is a Kentucky woman of education and many accom plishments While she is a prohibition ist she will not be connected with any other order and evan refuses to join the Women 'Christian Temperance New York Tribune liliB tlgnlty of Labor It is cne Ahe weaknesses cf many nice girlfe A they do not feel sure enough ofMhemselves in Jtakiug up em ploj meiit outsiile their homes but they must needs oiler some excuse or reiterate the fact that they are accustomed to something better is a weakness which bungs them little credit from their confit nts A girl entering a tchiiol icfitypewriting ami stenography was askviBLy the other students why she bad come to the school Are you taking up stenography and going to take a position just tor they ask ed Vhy certainly she replied is tdo bard work I do not do bard workrforQlie pleasure of it 1 are so miswered her querists greater of the girls here say they have come for and will take pdsitious to away the York Titnes' "I is ths most satisfactory and popular w' week Newspaper published in Michigan! The Detroit Journal Semi Weekly iis dis tinctively a Michjgan newspaper devoted to the state in all its various interests and is' the best cheapest and largest newspaper pub lished in Michigan MORE PEOPLE READ The Detroit Jour nal Semi Weekly in Michigan than any similar newspaper published Here are a fewreasons: The Market Reports are the very best The Latest News is in every issue The Editorials acknowledged the choicest The Journal Cartoons have a national repu a'ion The Stories are a pleasure 'to young and old Th re are Carefully Edited Departments fur all kinds Readers The nidurniuglike garb so long worn by maids and waitresses is being dis plaetd by pure white gowns Certainly a fresh white gown a sheer muslin apron with the folds still it and a be coming cap are more appropriate for a well heated and brilliantly lighted din ing room than the sable nunlike uni form and srch a costume is much more comfortable for the wearer physics Beatrice Mansfield 40 Esther Devin 99 Kittie Wells 85 Myrtle Muehler76 Alice Baker 80 Jno Butler 95 George East 80 Clyde Voorhees 95 Charles WPatterson 75 Clarence Robinson 81 Cora Imhoff 87 lorence Mead 94 Georgia Stephens 90 VIRGII Kittie Wells 95 Esther Devin Geo East 79 John Butler 91 Civile Yoorhees 93 CHEMISTRY Blanche Hunt 85 Minnie Sawyer 82 Jennie Churchill 77 Mary Imhoff 75 Kob Henderson 85 Paul Plimpton 90 Morrow Chubb 86 Jay Glover 92 rank Merson 87 Chas Dumbolton 76 Arthur Wray 85 Wm Imhoff 77 Chas Patterson i 75 Carson rench 99 Eli Conrad 84 iRobinson 75 Harry Zerbe idJ gjrir sst CICER0 Earl Kramer 99 Robert Richards 99 NEITHER ABSENT NOR TARDY The following named pupils have neither been absent nor tafdy Arlie Baker Thursa Banhore Clara Burrus Ross Burrus Jbhn Butler Esther Devin Geo East Mabel Elliot Jay Glover Alma Holmes Cora Imhoff rank Merson Robt Richards Clarence Robinson Clyde Voorhees Kittie Wells and Harry Zerbe or armers and Villagers and your favorite home fiaper LIVINGSTON SCHOOL Our school is still prospering 'To tal enrollment has been 79 Present enrollment 70 Average62 Messrs Claude Nash and rank Shuler of Stevensville gave us a call Monday Our scholarship for the month end ing January 28 is as follows: History 86 Physiology 85 Geogra phy 84 Orthography and spelling 82 Grammar and Language 82 Arithme tic 82 Reading 81 Penmanship 80 Civil Government 78 Average 82 We have added 3 goo books of reference to our library nr To give von an opportunity of testing tbe great merit of Cream Balm the most reliable cars for catarrh and cold in the head a generous 10 cent trial size can be had ol your druggist or we mail it for 10 cents ull size cen ts ELY BROS 54 Warren St City It is the medicine above all others for catarrh' and is worth its weight in gold I can use Cream Balm with safety and it does all that is claimed for 2 Sperry Hartford Conn Women Attorneys at Law Miss Ida Estelle Ballot Somerville Mass who graduated from the law school of Boston university this sum mer was recently admitted to tha Suffolk county bar She fias taken the oath in the supreme court and is now vested with full powers of an attorney at law Mrs Carrie Rapp of Rockford Ills is the second Rockford woman to pass a successful examination at Ottawa and be admitted as a member of the Winne bago county bar Mrs Catharine Waugh McCulloch now of Chicago enjoys the distinction of having been the first woman to practice law there i Miss Elizabeth Ryan of San rancis co practices wholly in the probate courts She is the only woman in Cali fornia who has ever been appointed an appraiser of an estate Miss Edith Cleveland is a practicing attorney in Vallejo and Miss Clara Cothran in San Jose Miss Martha Roberts of Salem Mass has been admitted to the Essex county bar Miss Elsa Eschilssohn the first wom an in Sweden to take the degree of doc tor of laws and who received special permission from King Oscar to plead at the Upsala university has been ap pointed professor of civil law at that university Saratoga Women The Association or Greater Saratoga is one of the largest clubs of women in the country with the small est annual dues It has 1600 members and the dues are 10 cents a year Any woman in Saratoga who will 'and can is asked to join and help the work along this all for the benefit of the Greater Saratoga The Greater Saratoga is to include all the region' of the 50 springs in the valley and the ultimate object of tbe women is to have the state of New York buy alb these springs and to have them all free The annual dues are all put aside for this purpose but every year they have one or two large entertainments at which they raise generous sums of money and these they give for any needed improvement around Saratoga Recently they contiibnted $70 for bi cycle paths Mrs Ellen Har lin Wal worth president cf the Pest Parliament club of New York is president of the association Journal Cuts Sores lit Boils sTamors il Eruptions 5 feum Tetters '4 Hands Slisters ps Nostrils Bunions Bites of Insects nt port paid oh receipt of price Cheippt SoreL 'Cor nEiMSting3 ree' SiaH AINTER SCHOOL Quite a number were absent Mon day owing to the storm Our director has purchased a set of a curtains for the south windows It improves the roi very much' The 8th grade began square root this week I The following have not been absent since school began last September: Clyde Painter Eldridge Gardner George and Lester Paul arid Sam and Clem McClellan It is radically Republican advocating But it can always be relied i Trade Marks Desisns Copyrights An ne sending a rtelch and description mar qutcki ascertain ir opinion free whether an inven1 on is probat ly patentable Communica tions rictly confidential Handbook on Patenta gent fi oldest agsncy for securing patenta Pate 'its taken th lough Munn Co receive apecUI notice jritbo it charge in the Sctenfifib American A hari'SomelsI illust rated weekly Largest clr culatS a of afty scientific journal Terms a vear our months JL Sold by all newsdealers Braiding and Bands I cloth gowns for demidress wear braiding and gold is much em ployed and black and' steel appear on gowns of prelate purple and danish blue Some of gray wool gowns are decorated with rows of black velvet or gimp in dark shades of red and it is quite noticeable among the imported models that the skirt and waist are so trimmed that the effect is of a garmentcut in one continuous length the gimp or velvet bands carried from shoulder to corsage edge and upon the dress skirt just beneath this edge begins a similar band that is carried down the skirt Similar bands are added to the skirt ini broken lengths and this is a style tn particularly commended to rather women or those who short wais ted Exchange ifty Years Ago In picturing some of the conditions of life in her girlhood Mrs Sherwood in her Epistle to Posteri thus notes certain contrasts be tween that time and the present In the early forties and fifties almost every body enough to live and young ladies dressed well on $100 a year The daughters of the richest man in Boston were dressed with scrupulous plainness and the wife and mother owned one brocade which did service for several years Display was consid ered vulgar Now alas only Queen Victoria dares to go shabby ine clothes have become a necessity to the lesser lights The greater proportion of people word happier because there was not such emulation such vulgar striv ing nor such soaring foolish ambitions Then men and women fell back on their own minds for that entertainment which they' now iseek in fast horses yachts great and constant change journeys to Europe' and to Newport Books took the place of dress and dis play When a young lady was intro duced into society one bouquet did du ty for the 7a which now are considered quite too few There was a sober ele gance among even the first in position and the richest in pocket There was no talk about money It Has become a subject of conversation since the war the cardinal doctrines of that party for fair and honest reports of all po witb ability and eamestnessMMJt litical movementstt JJJJ Pi Bertha Thompson "A Bertha Thompson a bright young woman'who graduated in 1892 at a Chi cago medical college has been appointed city physician of Oshkosh Wise by May or to succeed Dr Nintzel the regular city physician who has been suspended from duty pending an inves tigation Dr Thompson is the first wo man to hold the office of city physician in the state of Wisconsin She was born in Neenah Wis and was a teacher for a few years and then served as nurse in hospitalsbefore studying medicine She ia the only woman physicianin Oshkosh A National Book of reference for Governmcn i 7 vontainB tne uonetltutlon or IV 1 wMivcw uvaive me VOHBULUllOD Oil HO btate OIDCW York the DingL Tariff Bplfwitb a comparison of old and new rates President Cabinet and appointe AmWassad jrs Consuls etc the personnel of Congress names 01 principal officers of the different tates oinmandipg officers of the Army and Navy with their salaries Tables of Public tElectifin Returns Paity Platforms and Commilteee complete articles on the Currency Gold and Stive and a vast Amount of other valuable information The standard American almanac auth ortative rod bon plete corresponding in rank with Atman ie in A school of housekeeping has opened in Boston where women wi? li to become professionals in branch of domestic service may be edu cated A course of three months will be givey and students thoroughly trained in all branches of housekeeping and do mestic service ifty Philadelphia young women have organized themselves into an auxiliary to the Woman's Health Protective as Eociation The special line of work of the new club be to assist in funds for a proposed pay hospital for contagious diseases A home for deaconesses is to be opened shortly in Jersey City The project is in the hands of the Newark conference of the Woman Methodist Home Mission ary society Hi vv LN I worth of CLOTHING every garment every shoe a bargain jOt fake chances when you buy at NOBLES AS represented Ji gii on Hemorrhoids issures istulas Burns Scalds i Bruises it is rin Indisputable fact thatwo xnen are dissatisfied with the filothing imposed by fashion in civilized coun tries The vast majority of women who are doing some useful work iu the world are cfyiug out more and more against iU while there is little dissent from the statement that beauty is a de sirable quality in women's clothing it is true that if we have 'usefulness in dross it will blossom into beauty! "The beast would never have been beautiful if he had not first been accept ed for his goodness so it is my belief that drts will never bo beau tiful until loved and 'accepted for its in trinsic merit not we my dear Rainy Day sies learn a lesson from the Let us find a dress adapted to our wants and let tbe question of beauty remain un answered until the more important and fundamental points have? been attended to has woman a right to be ugly? Is beauty her transcendent duty and is beauty a matter of Then with an ignoblescramble Holland has set women by saying should allow any woman to appear better: dressed in her eyes than herself He state by what means a wifefchould prevent the other woman Think of tbe awful strain I is Judge Tourgee too? who thinks about the same He talked to the girls of Mount Holyoke on the immense influence personal adornment had to ward the charm of a manner Both men emphasize that it is the duty of woman to be beautiful oribeautifully dressed but I firmly believe in right to be ugly at certain times and places and under certain circ*mstances prove it nor can I prove that a woman has a soul but I believe 1 1 Her final advice was: i "Let woman devise a dress that will not hinder her from becoming strong wise grand and good Let it be ever so much of a beast at first beauty will finally marry it and live happy ever after tl II II Right to Bo Vgly tv and the Beast: or A Wom Right iq Je Ugly was the title of a nanor fmJI4 Vw Hf ra Cldlia Whifa liead before ih's Rainy Day club of New xotk recently say the other day that woman's dress is as inartistic as it nndesttafclgV the soever began Giri studexita at Home In a tiny new house in the northeast ern section of the city a charming set of college girls have taken up their abode for the winter They are all Johns Hop kins medical students two having en tered this yearAhe others having spent their first winter in Baltimore last year Not caring for 'the homeless life of a boarding house thev decided to trv the experiment of keeping house for them selves andfsq far the experiment hasbeen a most pleasing success The leading spirit of this little co terie is MissflMargaret Long the eldest rs daughter of! the secretary of the navy 'Her chum at Smith college Miss Reed ps with her and the other members of the quartet are Miss Simis of the class of of Cornell and Miss Austin a member of the class of of the Uni versity of Minnesota The girls are for tunate in having for their chaperon Mrs Reed from Leyden and Miss Hawley who relieve the students from planing Ihow the house shall be carried on i'1 Each of tne girls has her own room furnished in per own pet fashion Tbe most of the furniture in the fiouse has some pleasant association connected with it through its having been part of one or another of the rooms while at college 1 The Smith college flag has a prominent place in Miss room and Miss Long enjoys an armchair hud a tea table which were part of her room furniture at the same college I The dining 'room a bright cheery Apartment especially at mealtime serves the double purpose of dining room and study Its floor i stained and is covered "srith a heavy rug There is a bookcase' one corner and a china chest in another? Miss Long and Miss Reed have contributed most of the chi na used in the establishment Miss home at Hingham Mass! is closed for' tie win ter and so i Miss in tle 'Adirondacks at Leyden The home china closets have been robbed of some of their choicest contents to adorn the table of this de lightful little home The dainty china and the home cooking are two features which contribute very largely to the happiness the girls The prevailing tones of the' parlor draperies and furnishings are olive and dull reds and yellows An inviting couch piled high with pillows awaits the girls when they come in from the hospital A rosewood desk a graceful bronze tamp a tea table an artistic screen and some comfortable chairs are some of the other furnishings The pic tures and ornaments are souvenirs of winters spent abroad Miss Long has a pleasant reminder of a year in Germany in a copy of a Murillo Madonna and in a copy of a picture from the art gallery at Munich Miss copy of Napo leon as a lieutenant hangs over the mantel A liLle water color a picture in a carved lorentine frame and a Ty rolean rossrv are other evidences of the artistic taste 3 of the Baltimore Sun would not permit' a doulit to exist' uii vv Uviu i cuLvcrniug iutj ciLciExiivy and integrity of its: currency or the inviolability of its institutions of every kind That Is my interpreta tion of that victory Whatever effort therefore is required (to make the settlement of this vital question clear and conclusive'ifor all time? we are bound in good conscience to under take and if possible realize That is our our present char acter from the people It will not suffice for citizens no wa' days to say simply that they are in "favor of sound money That is enough The people's purpose must be given the vitality of public law Better an honest effort with failure than the avoiding of so plain and commanding a duty difficulties in the path of a satisfactory reform are it must be admitted neither few in number nor slight in degree but progress cannot fail to be made with a fair and thorough trial An honest attempt will be the best proof of sincerity of purpose Discussion cannot hurt it will only help the cause Let us Have full Jand free discussion We arc the last to avoid or evade it telligent discussion will strengthen the indifferent and encourage the friends of a stable system of heartedness never won a bat tle Nations and parties without abiding principles and stern resolu tion to enforce them even if it costs a continuousistruggle to do so and temporary sacrifice are never in the highest degree successful leaders in the progress of mankind or us to attempt nothing in the 'face of the prevalent fallacies aud the constant effort to spread them is to lose valu able ground already ably opposed to every measure calculated to debase out currencyor impair the credit of our country are therefore op posed to the free coinage of silver except by international agreement with the leading coSunercial nations of the worlds which we pledge our selves to promote and until such agreement can be obtained the exist ing gold standard must be preserved All our silver and paper currency must be maintained at parity design ed to maintain inviolably the obli gations of the United States and all our money whether coin or paper at the present standard the standard of the most enlightened nations of the 1 is in: reality a command from the people who gave the administra tion to the psirty now in power and who are still anxiously waiting for the execution of their free omnipotent will by those of us who hold commis sions from that supreme tribunal financial plank of the St Louis platform is still as commanding upon Republicans and those who served with them iff the last campaign as on the day it wasi adopted and promul gated Happily the tariff part of the platform has already been engrafted into public statute But that other plank not already builded into our constitution is of binding force up on all of us 3Vhat is it? Republican party is unreserv edly for sound money It caused the enactment of sthe law providing for the resumption of specie payments in 1879 since then every dollar has been as good as gojfd have tonight spoken in a some what serious strain because I believe it is due both: to the membership of this association and to the conditions under which this assemblage has met The conferences and systematic ef forts of a body of men as this are capable of infinite good to the respective communities in which the members lives and to the nation at large The country is now emerging from trying conditions It is only just be ginning to recover from the depress ion in certains lines of business long continued and altogether unparallel ed Progress: therefore will natur ally be slowjabut let us not be im patient Rather let us exercise a just patience and one which in time will surely bring its own high reward have no tear for the future of our beloved country Inle I discern in its present condition the necessity that always exists for the faithful devot ion of its citizens the history of its past is assurance to me that this will be as it has always been through every struggle and emergency still onward and upward It has never suffered froiiri any trial or been tin equal to autest ounded upon right principles we have nothing to fear from the: vicissitudes which may lie across bur pathway The nation founded by jhq fathers upon the prin ciples of virtue education freedom and human rights molded by the great discussiohs which established its sovereignity tried in the crucible of civil war its integrity confirmed by the results of reconstruction with a union stronger and better than ever before stands today not upon shift ing sands but upon immovable Let us resolve by our admimstratidh of them to maintain the right of the citizen to cement the union by still closer bonds to exalt the standards of American civiliza tion' encourage the promotion of tnnit industry and economy and tbe homely virtues which have ennobled our peoplq £uphold the stability ofour currency and credit and illustrate the purity of our national and inuni cipal government and then though the rain descends and the floods come and the winds jblow the nation will stand for it is founded upon a Glass Hats and Bonnets In Contrast tot tbe effects secured by the use of furs and as more iu keepingwith freaks of the mercury at their ad vent were the glass hats aud bonnets which were brought out last month These absolutely transparent headdress es are among the most decided noveltieswhich have ever appeared in our mil linery market and while'glass was the substantial material as in the case of the cloth woven in Venice of spun glass may seem doubtful the effect is as of the thinnest sheet of the finest plate glass and there is therefore no need to cavil at the term applied or to question the fabric A large hat of the new shape with the brim wide upspring ing and rounding at the front and the crown medium tall and slightly taper ing has the brim formed of leaflike pieces of the glass terminating in a triple scallop the pieces joined with a close tucked ruching of chiffon in deli cate rose pink the ruching edging the brim and the crown galloon of pail lettes in tones of rose color encircling the crown and a double Amazon ostrich plume in pink sweeping from each side around to the back A glass bonnet ismade of three pieces whichjoined form a diamond the greater width passing across the head from side to side and each point curled back the effect of the shape be ing after that of the Dutch bonnets The pieces are joined under narrow pas sem*nterie of gold bullion studded with pearls and wide passem*nterie binds the brim A rosette cf satin ribbon in fresh ANTED Several trustworthy gentlemen or ladles to travel in Michigan for established blehnnee Salary 78o and expenses Steady position Enclose reference and self addressed stamped envelope The Dom aion Coinpany' Dpt 9 Chicago Ill You Are bn the Right Track To consumption You have taken a'slight cold and have a disagreeable cough You feel weary and ynur appetite is failing You are restleis your head is heavy and at times dizzy These are the early symptoms of disease and must be arrested st once Cough Cure will re move these symptoms and cure you Price S5 cents Brodrick Druggist eb 7 The Shakers "of Mount Lebanon a com munity of simple honest God fearing men and women having prepared the Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years and it is always the same simple honest curative medicine that has helped to make the Shakers the healthy long lived people that they are The Shakers never have indi gestion This is partly owing to their simple mode of life partly to the wonder ful properties of Shaker Digestive Cordial Indgestion is caused by the stomach glands not supplying 7 enough digestive juice Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies wanting Shaker Digestive Cordial invig orates the stomach and all its glands so that after a while they need help As evidence oft the honesty of Shaker Di gestive Cordial the formula is printed on every bottle Sold by druggists price 10 cents to $100 per bottle 1 THE GREAT NATIONAL AM NEWSPAPER MISS IODISE WINTHROP ROUES ebruary 1775 and umer uuuvByura and tlie descendants who follow 8Q airer iiienf1 pue 01 iiieiu ueiiig one ux the founders jfaft the Society of tbe Cin cinnati i It was in fthe fascinating study of family genealogy seeing that her family tree grew straight and true that Miss Koues became Especially interested in American history and well posted in it She becamq one'of the competitors when the society decided to offer the scholar ship to its members The examination was conducted by Professor Herbert Osgood of Cblnnihia university who last June mailed a list of books which would be the liasis of the examination1 to each meqibei of the chapter Nine questions were asked at the examination and the answers which were made in writing rwqrif handed in at the end of three hours4' The questions were search ing extending far back into the history of England: Professor Osgood has charge of the course of studv which is for two years ana rue student will receive acertificate at the close if the examina tions are successfully passed The course is equivalent to the junior and senior years in the same study at Columbia The scholarship was named for Mrs Donald McLean regent of the New York city chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution as it was founded at her suggestion Her idea is thaX the scholarship is not only valuable for its general educational advantages but that wilftlie certificate given to each student at the close of the course should she i at piy time wish to teach the subject sbe should be enabled to do so and the for' teachers in American bisior is constantly increas ing The scholarship will practically make the recipient independent and though none! fhe Daughters who win it may fysl to make practical use of it the certicate which is all pow firful will always give them the satis faction of knowing they have capital to invest iilf if A amous Training Norse Miss Linda Richards who recently resigned from the superintendeucy of the training school of Hartford hospital has just gone to' Philadelphia to take charge of the University! of Pennsylva nia Medical College Hospital Trainingschool I Miss Richards has prpbably had the broadest experience of any woman in the United States in establishing train ing schools 'both in this and Other lands She was graduated from the New England Hospital Training School or Nurses in 1873 with the first Class for nurses organized in this country Immediately after her graduation she was called upon to takd charge of training school of the Massachusetts General hospital in Boston where she remained four years At the end of that time she for the purpose of faking a general foreign tour I aud (studying foreiguhospital and training school methods? I I During this trip she became acquaint ed with lorence Nightingale the fa moos founder' of training schools for nurses and was greatly aided by her ip her investigations (hus i obtaining ad mission to many otherwise closed doors Upon her return to America she assist ed in organizing the Boston City Hos pital! Training school where she re mained in charge until! 1884 is The American board cf commissioners for foreign missions '(the Congregational board) then secured her services and she was sent to Kioto where she organ ized the first training school for nurses established in Japan Her work jhere was eminently successful! and as a re sult there are now several excellent training schools in that country i Her health did not permit her to re main in Japan and she returned to this country since' which time? she has been connected with the Pennsylvania Hospi tal or the Insane tbe Methodist Epis copal hospital of Philadelphia the Vis iting Nurse society the New England hospital at "Boston thd Homeopathic hospital of Boston and! the Hartford hospital latter term she or ganized the Long Boston Harbor nl nal i Notice of Sale of Real Estate irst publication December 80 1897 STATE MICHIGAN I I UA XMSrXXvUf sf In the matter of the estate ol Charles Kremble deceased Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned Executrix of the eetate of said deceased by the Hon Judge of Prolate for the County of Berrien on the 20th day of December A 1897 there will be sold at public vendue to the highest bidder at the premises in the county of Berrien In eaid State on Monday the 14th day ebruary A 1898 at in in the forenoon of thet dev fRnhfart tn all encumbrances by mortgages or otherwise ex 43 isting at tbe time of the death of said deceased right of dower and homestead rights at the widow of said deceased tnereinj tne following described real estate towit Tbe south half () of the south east quarter 04) of the south east quarter 04) of Section thirty'two (32) Town eeven (7) south Range (IB) west containing twenty (20) acres of land more or less in Buchanan Berrien County Mich Dated 'Dec 80 1897 Last publication ebruary 10 1894 IMO MICE one dollar per YEAR $100: il T34TYV A wn A T5YTrTA'We AT? I pB 4 Ml I AOXb UALLI ALIA OU1WA1 XlAAAVLiQ VJC A AAJrf INTER OCEAN ARE BEST THEIR KIND Priceof Daily by mail $400 per year a jprice of Sunday by mail $2 OO per "year I Tpaily and Sunday by mail $6OO per year YOU CATARRH ell known phar HAVJTVr ntical remedy! I KggV t'woimfswoiiLi WINNER IRST SCHOLAR SHIP IK AMERICAN HISTORY: Girl StBdcwta sth Woman's Bight to Bo A amous Training Nurse Tailor Maes Geatumoa Glass Hats and Bonnets' Mi ss Loui s) Winthrop Kones the win ner of the frst contest for the McLean scholarship in 'American history offered by the New York city chapter of the Daughters the American Revolution to the one of their members passing the best exami lation on the subject has commenced her studies at Barnard col lege 1 Miss Kones is a true daughter of America if ancestors prominent in the early days of the country will count for anything 1 She is descended on her fa sideffrom John Winthrop first governor of Massachusetts from Thom as Dudley the second governor and frcm Edward Hilton the elder the ther of New On her side she traces her ancestry back to Johannes de la Montague com mander in chief of Manhattan Island in 1654 a Huguenot ancestor to the De orests and to the Bogert Bancker Codwise Kingsland and other early New York families Later in Revolu tionary times her great grandfather Koues from whom the family takes its name was a member and secretary of the Brentwood (N H) of 7' Women in Lcndou are now very £ii lor mide Cloth suits of all! kinds are Uni versally Worn jn the street: Canes are also in vogue and no uptoMate woman is seen without this accessory of fash ion mounted in gold or silver Many of the bandies are very unique in design and they contain purses Blue iblack and brown are the popular colors for tailor suits The skirts are very plain and the bodices are finished with lapped seams Severe frocks however areouly seen in the mornings Afternoon cos tumes of all kinds'are to a degree elab orate They are built of( cloth and vel vet silk and silk and velyet Notwith standing that it was stated early in the season that brilliant effects would not be in vogue many of the handsomest gowns are not imly I right but they are combined with trimmings which con trast strongly I ji" I or example a gown worn by one of our handsome matrons is built of plum cloth elaborately embellished with rench knots in the same tone The bodice is of mirror embroidered with steel and A yoke iscomposed of muslin insertion and cherry taffeta The stock is also of the taffeta Another chic creation is of navy I blue bengaline cut princess It is without trimming except on the bodice which opens on one side and is finished with a band of velvet and a rich fall of lace Charming also is a pale gray frock The bodice is cut low opening over a guimpeof white chiffon elaborate! made of shirred tucks The sit eves are ofi the gray cloth tuckld around the arm rom the throat hangs a small soft bow I caught with a turquoise buckle The collar of gray vel vet is edged with sable which runs down the side of the bodice and con tinues down one side of the skirt 'An elegant gray velvet costume has a plain skirt cut a trifle long The coat is long and cut in tabs which are embroideredwith jet nail heads? A high collar of lamb is lined with cream colored lace which hangs down in front jabot Chicago Times Herald MORTGAGE SALE irst publication Jan 20 1893' Default having been made in the pajime it of a cert in slim of monev secured to be paid bv a enr in Indenture of Mortgage bearing date the twe ity eighth day of April 1893 made aud execu ted by Medeline Shoekneese ot the Township' Lincoln Berrien County State of Michigan to Krauk Welle of the City of Niles Bernen County Michigan and now of Bertrand Township in said county and recorded in the off ce of the Register of Deeds of said County of Berrien "on the second day of May 1893 at 11 a in liber Num ber sixty (60 of mortgages on page forty seven (47) On which said mortgage there is blafnied to be due and uu paid at the date of this notice tbe sum of seven hundred nine dollars and seventy eight cents and no suit st law or proceed ings In equity having been instituted to recover said sum of money or any part thereof (Therefore notice is hereby given that by virtue of (he power of sale contained in said mortgage andiwhich has now become operative and in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided the land described in eaid mortgage to wit: Tbe north forty nine and and one quarter acres of the north sixty nine and one quarter acres of the west half of the north east quarter of Section twenty two (22) 'Towfire (5) south Range Mneteen west in Berrien County Miehman will be sold at auction or vendue at the front door of the Court House in the City oi St Joseph in eaid Couuty of Berrien on the 15th day of April 1898 at one o'clock in the afternoou ol said day to satisfy the amount which shall then be due on said mortgage Also the costs aqd charges of said foreclosure and sale and the attorney fee provided tor in said mortgage RANK WELLS Mortgagee' 17 £4 DINMAfl aituiucj Last publication April 14 1898 I News Tfo Det SEMI i Inert hi 00 Per Year cts si Henry Mrs? Josephine Henry of Ver sailles Ky is much spoken of ns a pos sible candidate for president on the ro hibition ticket There would cf course be BO" fchnnci of I cr election I lit she might'tCceive a huge vote as she did few years ago for an important: olriee iu the highly couti native soithCru state where she resides Exchange 1 iij 1 The 'H'lisrecs of Crake university Ues Moines have re visid the erder ot the medical to exclude women and Will tulejteis to protect thenrhereaftcr from 1 11 insults to which they have been subjected i uv ciauuaiu Tiirtr nrrAfttlnhi 1 1 nr in a lr it 1TR4 a 1 wv AU luim Him UIUftMCL 2AlLIian 4C IU ThUOpC HPRICE 25 CENTS: iPOSTAGEPAID Addrftfall orAera io tt BUCHANAN RECOBO Continued from second page) V1' 5v' BUCHANAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Examinations have been in progress during the past week at High School and we publish the following yesulta of the examinations ALGEBRA Cora Imhoff 82 George East 85 John Butler 90 Arlie Baker 90 Myrtle Mutch ler 79 Clarence Robinson 94 Clyde Voor hees 96 Ester Devin ICO lorence Meade 89 Georgia Stephens 87 Will Imhoff 62 Clarence Weaver J4 'Beatrice Mansfield 45 GEOMETRY i Harry Zerbe 100 Robt Richards 9q Earl Kramer 95 rank Mersoni 98 Carson rench 95 Eli Conrad 98 Paul Plimpton 84 Chas Dumbolton 100 Jay Glover 88 Blanche Hunt 98 Minnie Sawyer 94 Rob ert Henderson 87 Morrow Chubb 85 Jen nie Churchill Mary Imhoff Will Im hoff Arthur Wray 80 A LOCAL Disease A Climatic Affection Nothing but a local remedy or change of climate will cure it ur tn we i i macentlcal Cream alm It is quickly Absorbed Gives Belief at once Opens and cleanses the NT Boni Dans an a HealZand Protects the COLDIN HEAD Membrane Restores the Sense ot Taste and smell No Cocaine No Mercury No Injurious drug ull Size 50c Trial Size 10c at Druggist or by mail ELY BROTHERS 56 Warren Street New York HE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER and while it brins's to the familv THE NEWS Cs It 1 THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and i discussions or all questions pt the day) it is in nuisyippatny pi I 'with the ideas and i aspirations of Westerp people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint At first sight an impudent tion we are told however by the famous aut Disraeli that any man is a coward even in spi himself if his garments are ill fitting or in a by condition Ifvou wishto eniov the bra of elegant attire you should order your Sults and Overcoats of BORN CO THE GREAT CHICAGO MERCHANT TAILORS Who for 20 years have led all rivalry in CustomTailoring and never failed to please in Material VfrlA A a a Uf ID AIM 11 UIJ1LU1 TV VI IkllJUidllljJ rft dUll Will MW you less than the kind of tailoring that makes men cowardly Every eature Guaranteed 300 Patterns to Choose from 75 OUR AGENT nanas IX SARSAPARILLA The Kind that is GUARANTEED ito clear your blood of all impurities make your stomach liver and kidneys right and your nerves strong Then you are well Biiy a bottle of from your dealer and this: guaran I tee goes with everybottle YOUR MONEY BACK I YOU RECEIVE NO BEN EIT that a fair offer? All Druggists Keep It hfiBEST ani CHEPEST NEWSPAPER published for th 8 PIOKSSl tOLUHMS IO ED1TI9XS PER YEAR I 1 I I 17 NT IT VV A ml rii I ie or 1 tn I VX re ft a 't be 5 lor eofR ab rery A I1 I I 1 I I I I 3 RE A Jun WA I hMYAr U'l 4 1 in' Till YORK i 1 jBj TV I 18 I i '1 I 'B i flg WHWHVBW IN THE WEST I 1 2 ri KI rj I'll wOsi OnSsS I fc' tA jgii I 11 ufoai rsj I 3RCUUTI0H SUi 1 a 1 wcr 4 1 Stv 4 THE li rHl1 I'M 4 El 1 rt Tr77Z insn jhSji iUWi 11 hW ll KI! Ki iirv'JvN 1 1 IT.

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.