Карта памяти QUMO MicroSDXC 512 GB Pro seria 3.0 с адаптером SD (2024)





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Мощность цифровых устройств, таких как смартфоны и камеры, возрастает с каждым днём. Растут объемы информации, а следовательно скорость её передачи тоже возрастает. Карты памяти от QUMO полностью соответствуют всем требованиям современной цифровой жизни, обеспечивая сохранность и доступ к вашим данным в любом месте. Водонепроницаемые карты памяти Qumo Pro серии — идеальное высокотехнологичное решение для 4K Ultra HD и Full HD Video, и даже для видео 8К! Скорость и надёжность карт позволяет использовать их также для съёмки серий фотографий в движении. А с помощью входящего в комплект адаптера вы сможете использовать карту microSDXC как полноразмерную карту памяти SDXC. Такое дополнение придётся по душе обладателям цифровых фотоаппаратов и видеокамер, в том числе и профессиональных.

Объема карты будет достаточно, чтобы снять тысячи фотографий и видеороликов с захватывающими дух видами и приключениями. QUMO MicroSDXC относится к классу 10 UHS-I, что позволяет вам снимать и записывать на карту видео в формате FullHD без лагов и искажений. К тому же карта не боится влаги, резких перепадов температур, невосприимчива к рентгеновскому излучению и ударопрочная. А значит вы сможете взять её с собой в любое, даже самое опасное путешествие и создать восхитительный фото и видео материал. Карты памяти microSDXC идентичны по размерам стандартным картам microSD и соответствуют техническим характеристикам карт SD. Однако совместимость у карт памяти формата SDXC только с хост-устройствами (телефоны, планшетные компьютеры, видеокамеры и т.п.) на которых имеется логотип microSDXC или SDXC.

  • «GamePark», Санкт-Петербург, ТРК РИО
    г. Санкт-Петербург, ул. Фучика д. 2, ТРК РИО
    Тел.: 8 (812) 501-81-51
  • «GamePark» г. Новосибирск, ТРЦ Галерея
    г. Новосибирск, ул. Гоголя, 13
    Тел.: 8 (383) 377-71-31

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Карта памяти QUMO MicroSDXC 512 GB Pro seria 3.0 с адаптером SD (2024)


Can I use a 512GB GoPro? ›

HERO10 Black

Use a brand-name card that fits these requirements: microSD, microSDHC™, or microSDXC™ Class V30 or UHS-3 rating. Capacity up to 512GB.

What is the difference between microSDXC and microSD? ›

MicroSDHC cards are microSD cards with at most 32GB, while microSDXC card have more than 32GB storage capacity. You can mainly use a microSDHC card to store media in Full HD quality and a microSDXC card for 4K images or large bulks.

How fast is the Samsung Evo Plus 512GB microSDXC? ›

The card does carry a Class 10 Speed Class / U3 UHS Speed Class rating, guaranteeing a minimum sequential write speed of 30 MBps.

How fast is SanDisk Ultra microSDXC 512GB? ›

SanDisk 512GB UHS-I microSDXC

This card achieves maximum read speeds of up to 150 MB/s, and thanks to its U1/Class 10 speed class rating, minimum write speeds are guaranteed not to drop below 10 MB/s.

What's the difference between an SD card and a MicroSD card? ›

Spec-wise, they are the same as SD cards, aside from the smaller “micro” form factor. You can browse B&H's selection of microSD cards here. MicroSD cards may also be used in full-size SD devices with an adapter.

Which is better SD or SDXC? ›

An SDXC (Secure Digital Extended Capacity) card is a type of SD card that has a larger storage capacity than a standard SD card, typically 64GB to 2TB. A standard SD card has a capacity of up to 2GB to 32GB. An SDXC card uses the exFAT file system, while a standard SD card uses the FAT32 file system.

What is a microSDXC card used for? ›

Micro SDXC refers to Micro Secure Digital eXtreme Capacity. These cards can hold between 32GB and 2TB. Drones, action cameras, 360 or VR cameras, and other extreme-definition devices commonly use MicroSDXC cards for capturing footage.

Which SD card is better, SanDisk or Samsung? ›

Samsung EVO class 10 microSD cards are the best in the market followed by SanDisk class 10 microSD cards. Samsung cards go through multiple checks and are protected from all shocks and magnetic vicinity. SanDisk cards go through the same checks but the pouch they come in doesn't guarantee the process.

How fast is SanDisk Extreme Pro 512GB? ›

SanDisk Extreme PRO SD UHS-I card

And, because your pace doesn't let up after the shots are in, it delivers up to 170MB/s* transfer speeds for a faster post-production workflow.

Is Samsung EVO Plus better than SanDisk? ›

As you can see both tests are pretty similar in it's results. The budget EVO Plus has roughly 20MB/s slower write rate compared to the more expensive Extreme but for read speeds it's a pretty negligible difference.

How long will a 512GB SD card last? ›

SD cards are designed for data storage and should last for 10 years or more.

Is 512GB a lot of storage? ›

Therefore, a 512GB SSD is enough for users who just conduct office work on a computer or laptop, browse the Internet socially, and play small games on their devices. However, when you are going to use your computer for gaming, work, video creation, and more, a 512GB SSD may not be enough to keep up with your demands.

How many hours is 512GB SD card? ›

A massive memory of 512GB is enough for 24 hours of 4K UHD video, 78 hours of Full HD video or 150,300 photos. * So go ahead and savor all of what life has to offer and keep it all too.

Can a camera use 512GB SD card? ›

Therefore, we typically suggest 128GB ~ 512GB microSD cards for video surveillance.

How big of a memory card can a GoPro use? ›

HERO4 and HERO Session: Support up to a 128GB microSD card. HERO3 Black, HERO3+, HERO+, and HERO+ LCD: Support up to a 64GB microSD card.

How many GB is enough for GoPro? ›

It depends on the length of videos you are planning to record and their resolution. If you are not planning on recording long 4K videos, 32 GB or 64 GB SD cards will be enough. Otherwise, consider buying an SD card with larger storage capacity. For example, SanDisk 128 GB Extreme A2 V30 Micro SD.

Can you put a 1TB SD card in a GoPro? ›

One size that's conspicuously absent from the official GoPro guidance is 1TB–it maxes out at 512GB.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.