The World's Most Expensive Cupcake (2025)

By Lauren TorrisiJuly 11, 2012

Behold "The Golden Phoenix." Hailed as the world's most expensive cupcake, the pricey dessert costs a whopping £645 ($1,000) at Dubai's Bloomsbury's Cupcakes.

Served on a covered Villari 24-carat gold empire cake stand, the cupcake is adorned with edible gold and chocolate. It was unveiled at the opening of the new Bloomsbury's location in the Dubai Mall.

A YouTube video offers a behind-the-scenes look at the making of "The Golden Phoenix." The chocolate cupcake is baked with premium Amedei Porcelana chocolate and premium Ugandan vanilla beans and covered in 23-carat edible gold sheets. The cake is frosted with chocolate icing and dusted with edible gold dust. It's then garnished with chocolate decor that's dusted in more gold dust. Organic chocolate-covered strawberries and a golden spoon complete the dish.

In June, Bloomsbury cupcake founder Shafeena Yusuff Ali announced she wanted to create the pricey dessert. It took her five weeks to develop the dish.

Twitter backlash ensued after unveiling the dish. Negative tweets like "it's not impressive. Sorry, but this is how I feel. And well caviar isn't 1 of the ingredients" and "I would just think that this money could be used for a better cause than obesity. But this is purely my belief," were some of the responses.

Ali tweeted her response "sorry you feel that way! I was making an honest effort to create something amazing!"

The World's Most Expensive Cupcake (2025)
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